Anything They Make We Can Unlock!

Chip Decap

We provide semiconductor decapping and depackaging service

Silicon Microscopy

Optic Microscope imaging of the chip silicon wafer.

MCU Unlock

Unlock microcontroller and extract the program inside.

PCB Clone

Unlock microcontroller and extract the program inside.

PCB Prototype

Make PCB prototype from the Schematics & BOM cloned from your sample

PCB Production

Mass production of PCB including compnents purchasing, SMT & pre-production sample making

Freescale MC908 Series:

MC908AB32 MC908AP8 MC908AP16 MC908AP32 MC908AP48 MC908AP64 MC908AS32 MC908AS60 MC908AZ32 MC908AZ60 MC908BD48 MC908EY8 MC908EY16 MC908GR16 MC908GR32 MC908GR48 MC908GR60 MC908GZ16 MC908GZ32 MC908GZ48 MC908GZ60 MC908GP8 MC908GP16 MC908GP32 MC908GR4 MC908GR8 MC908GR16 MC908GR32 MC908GR48 MC908GR60 MC908GT8 MC908GT16 MC908GZ8 MC908GZ16 MC908GZ32 MC908GZ48 MC908JL3 MC908JL8 MC908JL16 MC908JB8 MC908JB12 MC908JB16 MC908JK1 MC908JK3 MC908JL3 MC908JL8 MC908JL16 MC908JW16 MC908KX2 MC908KX8 MC908KK3 MC908KL3 MC908LB8 MC908LD64 MC908LJ12 MC908LJ24 MC908LK24 MC908LB8 MC908LJ8 MC908LJ12 MC908LJ24 MC908LK24 MC908LV8 MC908MR8 MC908MR16 MC908MR32 MC908QB4 MC908QB8 MC908QC4 MC908QC8 MC908QC16 MC908QF4 MC908QL2 MC908QL3 MC908QL4 MC908QL8 MC908QL16 MC908QT1 MC908QT2 MC908QT4 MC908QY1 MC908QY2 MC908QY4 MC908QY8 MC908RF2 MC908SR12 …


Freescale HC908 Series:

HC908AB32 HC908AP8 HC908AP16 HC908AP32 HC908AP64 HC908AZ60 HC908JK1 HC908JK3 HC908JK8 HC908JK32 HC908JW16 HC908JW32 HC908LK24 HC908MR8 HC908GR8 HC908QT1 HC908QT2 HC908QT4 HC908QY1 HC908QY2 HC908QY4 HC908RF2 HC908RK2 …


Freescale MC68HC705 Series:

MC68HC705B16 MC68HC705C4 MC68HC705C8 MC68HC705C9 MC68HC705CCVFB MC68HC705CJ4 MC68HC705CL4 MC68HC705CT4 MC68HC705J1 MC68HC705J2 MC68HC705J5 MC68HC705JB2 MC68HC705JB4 MC68HC705JJ7 MC68HC705JP7 MC68HC705K1 MC68HC705KJ1CDW MC68HC705L5 MC68HC705L13 MC68HC705L16 MC68HC705L26 MC68HC705L32 MC68HC705MC4 MC68HC705P6 MC68HC705P9 MC68HC705PL4 MC68HC705SR3 MC68HC705SB7 MC68HC705SJ7 MC68HC705SP7 MC68HC705SR3 MC68HC705T10 MC68HC705T16 68HC705X32 MC68HC705Y4CFU MC68HC705E1 MC68HC705E5 MC68HC705E6 MC68HC705G1 MC68HC705G4 MC68HC705G6 …


Freescale MC68HC05 Series:

MC68HC05B6 MC68HC05B8 MC68HC05B16 MC68HC05B32 MC68HC05BD3 MC68HC05BD5 MC68HC05BD7 MC68HC05BD24 MC68HC05BD32 MC68HC05C0 MC68HC05C2 MC68HC05C4 MC68HC05C8 MC68HC05C9 MC68HC05C12 MC68HC05CC MC68HC05CJ4 MC68HC05CL1 MC68HC05CL4 MC68HC05D9 MC68HC05D32 MC68HC05E0 MC68HC05E5 MC68HC05E6 MC68HC05F4 MC68HC05F8 MC68HC05F12 MC68HC05F24 MC68HC05G3 MC68HC05G6 MC68HC05H12FN MC68HC05J1 MC68HC05J3 MC68HC05J5 MC68HC05JB3 MC68HC05JB4 MC68HC05JJ6 MC68HC05JP6 MC68HC05L0 MC68HC05L1 MC68HC05L5 MC68HC05L9 MC68HC05L13 MC68HC05L14 MC68HC05L16 MC68HC05L21 MC68HC05L24 MC68HC05L25 MC68HC05L27 MC68HC05L28 MC68HC05LJ5P MC68HC05LM1FT MC68HC05LM2FT MC68HC05P1 MC68HC05P3 MC68HC05P4 MC68HC05P6 MC68HC05P8 MC68HC05P9 MC68HC05P18 MC68HC05PD6 MC68HC05PGPV MC68HC05PV8 MC68HC05SR3 MC68HC05K0 MC68HC05K1 MC68HC05K3 MC68HC05RC4 MC68HC05R9 MC68HC05R18 MC68HC05SU3 MC68HC05T1 MC68HC05TBFN MC68HC05V12FN MC68HC05X16FU MC68HC05X32FU …


Freescale MC68HC711 Series:

MC68HC711D3 MC68HC711E9 MC68HC711E20 MCMC68HC711M2 MCMC68HC711MA8 MC68HC711K4 MC68HC711KA2 MC68HC711KS2 MC68HC711KS8 MCMC68HC711L6 MCMC68HC711P2 MCMC68HC711SA2FG MCMC68HC711FA2 …


Freescale MC68HC11 Series:

MC68HC11A0 MC68HC11A1 MC68HC11A8 MC68HC11C0 MC68HC11L0 MC68HC11L1 MC68HC11L2 MC68HC11M2 MC68HC11D0 MC68HC11D3 MC68HC11E0 MC68HC11E1 MC68HC11E8 MC68HC11E9 MC68HC11E18 MC68HC11E20 MC68HC11EA9 MC68HC11ED0 MC68HC11EVBU2 MC68HC11F1 MC68HC11FC0 MC68HC11FL0 MC68HC11G5FN1 MC68HC11GA2VFUW MC68HC11K0 MC68HC11K1 MC68HC11K4 MC68HC11KA0 MC68HC11KA1 MC68HC11KA2 MC68HC11KA4 MC68HC11KG4 MC68HC11KS0 MC68HC11KS1 MC68HC11KS2 MC68HC11KS4 MC68HC11P1 MC68HC11PB8 MC68HC11PH8 MC68HC11PL2 MC68HC11PS6FG MC68HC11SA2CFGE …


Freescale MC68HC908 Series:

MC68HC908AP64 MC68HC908AP32 MC68HC908AP16 MC68HC908AP8 MC68HC908AS32A MC68HC908AZ60A MC68HC908AS60A MC68HC908AZ60E MC68HC908AS60 MC68HC908BD48 MC68HC908EY16A MC68HC908EY8A MC68HC908GR4 MC68HC908GR8 MC68HC908GR16 MC68HC908GT8 MC68HC908GT16 MC68HC908GZ8 MC68HC908GZ16 MC68HC908GZ48 MC68HC908GZ60 MC68HC908JB8 MC68HC908JB16 MC68HC908JG16 MC68HC908JK1 MC68HC908JK3 MC68HC908JK8 MC68HC908JL3 MC68HC908JL8 MC68HC908KK3 MC68HC908KL3 MC68HC908KL8 MC68HC908KX2 MC68HC908KX8 MC68HC908LD60 MC68HC908LD64 MC68HC908LJ8 MC68HC908LJ12 MC68HC908LK24 MC68HC908LV8 MC68HC908MR8 MC68HC908MR16 MC68HC908MR32 MC68HC08QA12 MC68HC08QP32 MC68HC08QT4 MC68HC08QY4 MC68HC908QY2 MC68HC908QY4 MC68HC908SR12 MC68HC08SR12 MC68HC908SR12 …


Freescale MC68HC08 Series:

MC68HC08AB16A MC68HC08AB32 MC68HC08AS32 68HC08AS32A MC68HC08AZ16 MC68HC08AZ24 MC68HC08AZ32 MC68HC08AZ48 MC68HC08AZ60 MC68HC08BD24 MC68HC08GP8 MC68HC08GP16 MC68HC08GP32 MC68HC08JB1 MC68HC08JB8 MC68HC08JB16 MC68HC08JT8 MC68HC08JK3 MC68HC08JK8 MC68HC08JL3 MC68HC08JL8 MC68HC08JL12 MC68HC08KH12 MC68HC08KX8 MC68HC08LD MC68HC08LT8 MC68HC08LK …


Freescale MC9S08 Series:

MC9S08AC8 MC9S08AC16 MC9S08AC32 MC9S08AC48 MC9S08AC60 MC9S08AC96 MC9S08AC128 MC9S08AW16 MC9S08AW32 MC9S08AW48 MC9S08AW60 MC9S08DN16 MC9S08DN32 MC9S08DN48 MC9S08DN60 MC9S08DV16 MC9S08DV32 MC9S08DV48 MC9S08DV60 MC9S08DV96 MC9S08DV128 MC9S08DZ16 MC9S08DZ32 MC9S08DZ48 MC9S08DZ60 MC9S08DZ96 MC9S08DZ128 MC9S08EL16 MC9S08EL32 MC9S08FL8 MC9S08FL16 MC9S08GB16 MC9S08GB32 MC9S08GB60 MC9S08GT8 MC9S08GT16 MC9S08GT32 MC9S08GT60 MC9S08JE128 MC9S08JE64 MC9S08JM8 MC9S08JM16 MC9S08JM32 MC9S08JM60 MC9S08JS8 MC9S08JS16 MC9S08LG16 MC9S08LG32 MC9S08LL8 MC9S08LL16 MC9S08LL36 MC9S08LL64 MC9S08LC36 MC9S08LC60 MC9S08LH36 MC9S08LH64 MC9S08MP12 MC9S08MP16 MC9S08MM32 MC9S08MM64 MC9S08MM128 MC9S08MT8 MC9S08MT16 MC9S08QA2 MC9S08QA4 MC9S08QB4 MC9S08QB8 MC9S08QD2 MC9S08QD4 MC9S08QE4 MC9S08QE8 MC9S08QE16 MC9S08QE32 MC9S08QE64 MC9S08QE96 MC9S08QE128 MC9S08QG4 MC9S08QG8 MC9S08QG44 MC9S08QG84 MC9S08RC8 MC9S08RC16 MC9S08RC32 MC9S08RC60 MC9S08RD8 MC9S08RD16 MC9S08RD32 MC9S08RD60 MC9S08RE8 MC9S08RE16 MC9S08RE32 MC9S08RE60 MC9S08RG32 MC9S08RG60 MC9S08RX32 MC9S08SE4 MC9S08SE8 MC9S08SF4 MC9S08SH4 MC9S08SH8 MC9S08SH16 MC9S08SH32 MC9S08SL8 MC9S08SL16 MC9S08SV8 MC9S08SV16 …


Motorola MC9RS08 Series and 68HC16 Series:



Motorola 56800/E DSP Series:

DSP56F801X DSP56F802X DSP56F803X DSP56852 DSP56853 DSP56854 DSP56855 DSP56857 DSP56858 DSP56F801 DSP56F801FA60 DSP56F802 DSP56F802TA60 DSP56F803 DSP56F805 DSP56F807 DSP56F826 DSP56F827 DSP56F812X DSP56F8135 DSP56F814X DSP56F815X DSP56F816X DSP56F824X DSP56F825X DSP56F832X DSP56F8335 DSP56F834X DSP56F835X DSP56F836X …


Motorola MC9S12X Series:

MC9S12A32 MC9S12A64 MC9S12A128 MC9S12A256 MC9S12A512 MC9S12B32 MC9S12B64 MC9S12B96 MC9S12B128 MC9S12B256 MC9S12C32 MC9S12C64 MC9S12C96 MC9S12C128 MC9S12D32 MC9S12D64 MC9S12D96 MC9S12DB64 MC9S12DB128 MC9S12DG128 MC9S12DG256 MC9S12DJ64 MC9S12DJ128 MC9S12DJ256 MC9S12DP512 MC9S12DT128 MC9S12DT256 MC9S12DT512 MC9S12DE32 MC9S12DE64 MC9S12DE128 MC9S12GC16 MC9S12GC32 MC9S12GC64 MC9S12GC96 MC9S12GC128 MC9S12H128 MC9S12H256 MC9S12HZ256 MC9S12HZ128 MC9S12HZ64 MC9S12KG128 MC9S12KG256 MC9S12KT256 MC9S12KC128 MC9S12KT256 MC9S12NE64 MC9S12P32 MC9S12P64 MC9S12P96 MC9S12P128 MC9S12Q64 MC9S12Q96 MC9S12Q128 MC9S12UF32 MC9S12XA256 MC9S12XA512 MC9S12XB128 MC9S12XD64 MC9S12XD128 MC9S12XD256 MC9S12XD256 MC9S12XD384 MC9S12XDG128 MC9S12XDG256 MC9S12XDP512 MC9S12XDT256 MC9S12XDT512 MC9S12XEG128 MC9S12XEP100 MC9S12XEP768 MC9S12XEQ384 MC9S12XEQ512 MC9S12XET256 MC9S12XF512 MC9S12XHZ256 MC9S12XHZ512 MC9S12XS64 MC9S12XS128 MC9S12XS25 …


Motorola MC56F80xx Series:

MC56F8000RM MC56F8000RM MC56F8000RM MC56F8002 MC56F8002 MC56F8002VWL MC56F8006 MC56F8006 MC56F8006 MC56F8006DEMO MC56F8006VLC MC56F8006VLF MC56F8006VWL MC56F8011 MC56F8011VFAE MC56F8011VFAE MC56F8013 MC56F8013 MC56F8013E MC56F8013MFAE MC56F8013PB MC56F8013VFAE MC56F8013VFAE MC56F8014 MC56F8014 MC56F8014 MC56F8014E MC56F8014E MC56F8014MFAE MC56F8014VFAE MC56F8014VFAE MC56F8014VFAE MC56F8023 MC56F8023VLC MC56F8023VLC MC56F8025 MC56F8025 MC56F8025E MC56F8025MLD MC56F8025VLD MC56F8025VLD MC56F8027 MC56F8027MLH MC56F8027VLH MC56F8033VLC MC56F8035VLD MC56F8036 MC56F8036 MC56F8036VLF MC56F8036VLF MC56F8037 MC56F8037 MC56F8037 MC56F8037VLH MC56F8037VLH MC56F8037VLH MC56F80XXRM MC56F8122 MC56F8122 MC56F8122VFA MC56F8122VFAE MC56F8123 MC56F8123 MC56F8123VFB MC56F8123VFB MC56F8123VFBE MC56F8135 MC56F8135E MC56F8135VFGE MC56F8145 MC56F8145VFG MC56F8145VFGE MC56F8146 MC56F8146VFV MC56F8146VFVE MC56F8147 MC56F8147VPY MC56F8147VPYE MC56F8155 MC56F8155VFG MC56F8156 MC56F8156VFV MC56F8156VFVE MC56F8157 MC56F8157 MC56F8157VPY MC56F8157VPYE MC56F8165 MC56F8165E MC56F8166 MC56F8166 MC56F8166 MC56F8166VFV MC56F8166VFV MC56F8166VFVE MC56F8166VFVE MC56F8167 MC56F8167 MC56F8167 MC56F8167E MC56F8167VPY MC56F8167VPY MC56F8167VPYE MC56F8167VPYE MC56F8245 MC56F8245MLD MC56F8245VLD MC56F8246 MC56F8246MLF MC56F8246VLF MC56F8247 MC56F8247MLH MC56F8247VLH MC56F824X MC56F8255 MC56F8255MLD MC56F8255VLD MC56F8256 MC56F8256MLF MC56F8256VLF MC56F8257 MC56F8257MLH MC56F8257VLH MC56F825X MC56F8300UM MC56F8300UM MC56F8300UM MC56F8322 MC56F8322 MC56F8322 MC56F8322 MC56F8322MFA60 MC56F8322MFA60 MC56F8322MFAE MC56F8322VFA60 MC56F8322VFA60 MC56F8322VFAE MC56F8323 MC56F8323 MC56F8323 MC56F8323EVM MC56F8323MFB60 MC56F8323MFB60 MC56F8323MFBE MC56F8323VFB60 MC56F8323VFB60 MC56F8323VFBE MC56F8335 MC56F8335 MC56F8335E MC56F8335MFGE MC56F8335VFGE MC56F8345 MC56F8345 MC56F8345 MC56F8345MFG60 MC56F8345MFG60 MC56F8345MFGE MC56F8345VFG60 MC56F8345VFG60 MC56F8345VFGE MC56F8346 MC56F8346 MC56F8346 MC56F8346MFV60 MC56F8346MFV60 MC56F8346MFVE MC56F8346VFV60 MC56F8346VFV60 MC56F8346VFVE MC56F8347 MC56F8347MPY60 MC56F8347MPYE MC56F8347VPY MC56F8347VPY60 MC56F8347VPY60 MC56F8347VPYE MC56F8347VVF MC56F8355 MC56F8355 MC56F8355MFG60 MC56F8355VFG60 MC56F8356 MC56F8356 MC56F8356 MC56F8356MFV60 MC56F8356MFV60 MC56F8356MFVE MC56F8356VFV60 MC56F8356VFV60 MC56F8356VFVE MC56F8357 MC56F8357 MC56F8357 MC56F8357MPY60 MC56F8357MPYE MC56F8357VPY60 MC56F8357VPY60 MC56F8357VPYE MC56F8357VVF MC56F8365 MC56F8365 MC56F8365 MC56F8365E MC56F8366 MC56F801X MC56F802X MC56F803X MC56F800X MC56F8023M MC56F8023V MC56F8025M MC56F8025V MC56F8027M MC56F8027V MC56F8033M MC56F8033V MC56F8035M MC56F8035V MC56F8036M MC56F8036V MC56F8037M MC56F8037V …


Motorola MC912 Series and MC68HRC908 Series and PC68HC908XX Series:

MC912DG128 MC912DT128 MC912D60 MC912B32 MC68HC811E2 MC68HC812A4CPV8 MC68HSC705C4 MC68HSC705C8 MC68HSC705J1 MC68S711E9 PC9S12UF32 PC9S12XF128 PC9S12XF256 PC9S12XF384 PC9S12XF512 PC9S12XHZ256 PC9S12XHZ384 PC9S12XHZ512 S9S08AW16 S9S08AW32 S9S08AW48 S9S08AW60 S9S08DN16 S9S08DN32 S9S08DN48 S9S08DN60 S9S08DV128 S9S08DV16 S9S08DV32 S9S08DV48 S9S08D60 S9S08DV96 S9S08DZ128 S9S08DZ16 S9S08DZ32 S9S08DZ48 S9S08DZ60 S9S08DZ96 S9S08EL16 S9S08EL32 S9S08LG16 S9S08LG32 S9S08MP16 S9S08QD2 S9S08QD4 S9S08SG16 S9S08SG4 S9S08SG8 S9S08SG32 S9S08SL16 S9S08SL8…

Please visit the MCU lists above to find your IC part number, however, it is quite impossible to list all the part numbers PRX can unlock here, and PRX is always researching new types of microcontrollers, but may not be able to update them here, also we have development schedule, even we had not done your type before, we can research to fit your demand, if you do not find your chip type here, please contact us.

About Freescale:


Freescale Semiconductor is now NXP Semiconductor. Freescale semiconductor was a global leader in embedded processing solutions. From microprocessors and microcontrollers to sensors, analog integrated circuits and connectivity �C their technologies are the foundation for the innovations that make our world greener, safer, healthier and more connected. Some of their key applications and end-markets include automotive safety, hybrid and all-electric vehicles, next generation wireless infrastructure, smart energy management, portable medical devices, consumer appliances and smart mobile devices ��

Freescale Semiconductor is one of the world s leaders in the design and manufacture of embedded semiconductors for wireless, networking, automotive, consumer and industrial markets. The company is also one of the oldest and most diverse makers of microchips in the world. It provides original equipment manufacturers with chips to help them drive advanced cell phones, manage Internet traffic and to help make vehicles safer and more energy efficient. Freescale Semiconductor has more than 10,000 customers including some of the top global manufacturers, such as Alcatel, Cisco Systems, Fujitsu, Hewlett-Packard, QUALCOMM, Robert Bosch and Siemens. Freescale Semiconductor has design, research and development manufacturing or sales operations in more than 30 countries. Michel Mayer has been the chief executive officer for Freescale Semi for more than two years. He has been with the semiconductor manufacturer for over two years. Mayer attended Ecole Superieure d Electricite. It is headquartered in Austin, Texas

the Company offers its customers a portfolio of complementary devices that provide connectivity between products, across networks and to real-world signals, such as sound, vibration and pressure. Its complementary products include sensors, radio frequency semiconductors, power management and other analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits. Through its embedded processors and complementary products it also offers customers combinations of semiconductors and software, which it refers to as platform-level products. Freescale has design, research and development, manufacturing or sales operations in more than 28 countries. On April 30, 2008, the Company acquired SigmaTel, Inc.

On Friday, September 18, several private equity firms led by The Blackstone Group have agreed to buy Freescale Semiconductor for a record-breaking asking price of $17.6B. Freescale’s board of directors unanimously approved the deal. The buyout must be approved by Freescale’s shareholders and regulatory agencies.

Freescale Semiconductor, formerly known as Motorola Semiconductor, was spun off by Motorola Inc in December 2004 after months of denials. Freescale had been losing money prior to the spin-off but has since become profitable. After the spin off, Freescale cut 1,350 employees and sold a wafer fab in Tianjin, China to SMIC. In 2005, Freescale cut 430 manufacturing jobs and 260 non-manufacturing jobs. Freescale has also discontinued some low-profit product lines.

Freescale Semiconductor is a major supplier of Automotive, networking, and wireless communications semiconductors. While Freescale is presently a leading microcontroller supplier, with the exception of Automotive they have ceded dominance of the 8-bit marketplace to Microchip, and their dominance as the lead Automotive chip supplier is being threatened by ST Microelectronics

NXP Acquires Freescale Semiconductor On March 2, 2015, NXP announced it had entered into an agreement to merge with Freescale. Freescale shareholders will receive $6.25 in cash and 0.3521 of an NXP share for each share of Freescale they hold. The purchase price implies a total equity value for Freescale of approximately $11.8 billion and a total enterprise value of approximately $16.7 billion, including Freescale’s net debt. The merger will make NXP the world’s largest automotive semiconductor supplier, but that could change some months from now if NXP decides to jettison some Freescale product lines. NXP has a history of supporting only products where it is the leading market share holder. There is a small amount of overlap in the merged product portfolio. For example, both companies produce in-vehicle networking transceivers. Freescale is already in the radar business and NXP is working on CMOS radar. Freescale’s line of MEMs pressure and acceleration sensors is, however, complementary. Freescale also brings a strong lineup of automotive qualified 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit microcontrollers, all of which will be complementary to NXP’s automotive portfolio. Freescale is especially strong in the powertrain domain and in motor control. The merger brings two of Freescale’s largest automotive customers into NXP’s world: TRW and Denso.

On September 15, 2006, Freescale agreed to accept a buyout for the sum of $17.6 billion ($40 per share) by a consortium led by Blackstone Group LP. Share prices of $13 at the July 2004 IPO had risen to $39.35 in afterhours trading that Friday when the news, rumored that week, broke. A special shareholders meeting on November 13, 2006 voted to accept the buyout offer. The purchase, which closed on December 1, 2006, is reportedly the largest private buyout of a technology company and one of the ten largest buyouts of all time.

The Freescale 683xx (formerly Motorola 683xx) is a family of compatible microcontrollers by Freescale that use a Motorola 68000-based CPU core. The family was designed using a hardware description language, making the parts synthesizable, and amenable to improved fabrication processes, such as die shrinks.

There are two CPU cores used in the 683xx family: the 68EC000 and the CPU32. The instruction set of the CPU32 core is similar to the 68020 without bitfield instructions, and with a few instructions unique to the CPU32 core, such as table lookup and interpolate instructions, and a low-power stop mode.

The modules of the microcontroller were designed independently and released as new CPUs could be tested. This process let the architects perform “design-ahead” so that when silicon technologies were available, Motorola had designs ready to implement and go to market. Many of these submodules have been carried forward into the Coldfire line of processors.

The microcontrollers consist of a series of modules, connected by an internal bus:

A fully static CPU core, capable of running at any clock speed from dead stop to maximum rated speed (25 or 33MHz).

A CPU core designed to minimize transistors while maximizing performance.

A high-speed clocked serial interface for debugging called background debug mode (BDM). The 683xx-series was the first to have a clocked serial interface to the CPU to perform debugging. Now, many CPUs use a standard serial test interface, usually JTAG, for this purpose.

The SIM (System Integration Module), which eliminates much glue logic by providing chip selects and address decoding. The SIM also provides a clock generator, watchdogs for various system operations, configuration of processor pins, a periodic timer, and an interrupt controller.

Other modules available on various processors in the 683xx family are:

The Timing Processor Unit (TPU), which performs almost any timing related task: timers, counters, proportional pulse width control, pulse width measurement, pulse generation, stepper motor controllers, quadrature detection, etc. Freescale gives the development system and code away for free.

An auxiliary random-access memory (RAM) doubles as a programmable microcontroller store for the TPU.

Some early models have two conventional counter-timers.

A general purpose timer (GPT) module provides pulse accumulators, capture/compare, and pulse-width modulation capabilities.

Some models have a network interface processor in the form of a communication processor module (CPM) and serial communications controllers (SCC) which can be interfaced to Ethernet or HDLC busses.

Most models have a queued serial module (QSM) which provides both synchronous Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), and logic-level RS232 UART capabilities.

The 56F8323 and 56F8123 are members of the 56800E core-based family of controllers. Each combines, on a single chip, the processing power of a Digital Signal Processor (DSP) and the functionality of a microcontroller with a flexible set of peripherals to create an extremely cost-effective solution. Because of their low cost, configuration flexibility, and compact program code, the 56F8323 and 56F8123 are well-suited for many applications. The devices include many peripherals that are especially useful for automotive control (56F8323 only); industrial control and networking; motion control; home appliances; general purpose inverters; smart sensors; fire and security systems; power management; and medical monitoring applications. The 56800E core is based on a Harvard-style architecture consisting of three execution units operating in parallel, allowing as many as six operations per instruction cycle. The MCU-style programming model and optimized instruction set allow straightforward generation of efficient, compact DSP and control code. The instruction set is also highly efficient for C Compilers to enable rapid development of optimized control applications. The 56F8323 and 56F8123 support program execution from internal memories. Two data operands can be accessed from the on-chip data RAM per instruction cycle. These devices also provide one external dedicated interrupt line and up to 27 General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) lines, depending on peripheral configuration.

The 56F8323 controller includes 32KB of Program Flash and 8KB of Data Flash, each programmable through the JTAG port, with 4KB of Program RAM and 8KB of Data RAM. A total of 8KB of Boot Flash is incorporated for easy customer inclusion of field-programmable software routines that can be used to program the main Program and Data Flash memory areas. Both Program and Data Flash memories can be independently bulk erased or erased in pages. Program Flash page erase size is 1KB. Boot and Data Flash page erase size is 512 bytes. The Boot Flash memory can also be either bulk or page erased. A key application-specific feature of the 56F8323 is the inclusion of one Pulse Width Modulator (PWM) module. This module incorporates three complementary, individually programmable PWM signal output pairs and is also capable of supporting six independent PWM functions to enhance motor control functionality. Complementary operation permits programmable dead time insertion, distortion correction via current sensing by software, and separate top and bottom output polarity control. The up-counter value is programmable to support a continuously variable PWM frequency. Edge-aligned and center-aligned 56F8323 Technical Data, Rev. 17 10 Freescale Semiconductor Preliminary synchronous pulse width control (0% to 100% modulation) is supported. The device is capable of controlling most motor types: ACIM (AC Induction Motors); both BDC and BLDC (Brush and Brushless DC motors); SRM and VRM (Switched and Variable Reluctance Motors); and stepper motors. The PWM incorporates fault protection and cycle-by-cycle current limiting with sufficient output drive capability to directly drive standard optoisolators. A ��smoke-inhibit��, write-once protection feature for key parameters is also included. A patented PWM waveform distortion correction circuit is also provided. Each PWM is double-buffered and includes interrupt controls to permit integral reload rates to be programmable from 1/2 (center-aligned mode only) to 16. The PWM module provides reference outputs to synchronize the Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) through Quad Timer C, Channel 2. The 56F8323 incorporates one Quadrature Decoder capable of capturing all four transitions on the two-phase inputs, permitting generation of a number proportional to actual position. Speed computation capabilities accommodate both fast- and slow-moving shafts. An integrated watchdog timer in the Quadrature Decoder can be programmed with a time-out value to alarm when no shaft motion is detected. Each input is filtered to ensure only true transitions are recorded. This controller also provides a full set of standard programmable peripherals that include two Serial Communications Interfaces (SCIs), two Serial Peripheral Interfaces (SPIs), two Quad Timers, and FlexCAN. Any of these interfaces can be used as General Purpose Input/Outputs (GPIOs) if that function is not required. A Flex Controller Area Network (FlexCAN) int