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PCB Kopyalama

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PCB Prototipleme

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PCB Üretimi

Bileşen satın alma, SMT ve üretim öncesi numune hazırlama dahil PCB’nin seri üretimi

STC10xxx Series:

STC10F04 STC10F04XE STC10F08 STC10F08XE STC10F12 STC10F12XE STC10F14X …


STC11xxx Series:



STC12Cxx / STC12LExx Series:

STC12C1052 STC12C2052 STC12C4052 STC12C5052 STC12C5410 STC12C5410AD STC12C5402 STC12C5402AD STC12C5404 STC12C5404AD STC12C546 STC12C5406AD STC12C5408 STC12C5408AD STC12C5410 STC12C5410AD STC12C5412 STC12C5412RD STC12LE1052 STC12LE2052 STC12LE4052 STC12LE5052 STC12C5A08S2 STC12C5A16S2 STC12C5A32S2 STC12C5A40S2 STC12C5A48S2 STC12C5A52S2 STC12C5A56S2 STC12C5A60S2 IAP12C5A62S2 STC12LE5A08S2 STC12LE5A16S2 STC12LE5A32S2 STC12LE5A40S2 STC12LE5A48S2 STC12LE5A52S2 STC12LE5A56S2 STC12LE5A60S2 IAP12LE5A62S2 STC12C5A08AD STC12C5A16AD STC12C5A32AD STC12C5A40AD STC12C5A48AD STC12C5A52AD STC12C5A56AD STC12C5A60AD IAP12C5A62AD STC12LE5A08AD STC12LE5A16AD STC12LE5A32AD STC12LE5A40AD STC12LE5A48AD STC12LE5A52AD STC12LE5A56AD STC12LE5A60AD IAP12LE5A62AD STC12C5201AD STC12C5202AD STC12C5203AD STC12C5204AD STC12C5205AD STC12C5206AD STC12LE5201AD STC12LE5202AD STC12LE5203AD STC12LE5204AD STC12LE5205AD STC12LE5206AD STC12C5604AD STC12C5608AD STC12C5612AD STC12C5616AD STC12C5620AD STC12C5624AD STC12C5628AD STC12C5630AD STC12LE5604AD STC12LE5608AD STC12LE5612AD STC12LE5616AD STC12LE5620AD STC12LE5624AD STC12LE5628AD STC12LE5630AD …


STC15Fxx series:

STC15F100W STC15F101W STC15F102W STC15F104W STC15F2K08S2 STC15F2K16S2 STC15F2K24AS STC15F2K32S2 STC15F2K40S2 STC15F2K48AS STC15F2K48S2 STC15F2K56S2 STC15F2K60S STC15F2K60S2 IAP15F105W IAP15F2K61S IAP15F2K61S2 IAP15F2K61S2 IRC15F107W IRC15F107W IRC15F2K63S2 …


STC15Lxx series:

STC15L100W STC15L101W STC15L102W STC15L104W STC15L2K08S2 STC15L2K16S2 STC15L2K32S2 STC15L2K40S2 STC15L2K48S2 STC15L2K56S2 STC15L2K60S2 IAP15L105W IAP15L2K61S2 …


STC15Wxx series:

STC15W100 STC15W101 STC15W102 STC15W104 STC15W1K08PWM STC15W1K16PWM STC15W1K16S STC15W1K24S STC15W201S STC15W202S STC15W203S STC15W204S STC15W401AS STC15W402AS STC15W404AS STC15W404S STC15W408AS STC15W408S STC15W410S STC15W413AS STC15W4K16S4 STC15W4K32S4 STC15W4K40S4 STC15W4K48S4 STC15W4K56S4 IAP15W1K29S IAP15W205S IAP15W413S IAP15W4K58S4 IAP15W4K61S4 IRC15W107 IRC15W1K31 IRC15W207S IRC15W415AS IRC15W415S IRC15W4K63S4 …


STC89Cxx Series:



STC89LExx/LVxx Series:



STC90Cxx Series:


Please visit the MCU lists above to find your IC part number, however, it is quite impossible to list all the part numbers PRX can unlock here, and PRX is always researching new types of microcontrollers, but may not be able to update them here, also we have development schedule, even we had not done your type before, we can research to fit your demand, if you do not find your chip type here, please contact us.

About STC:


STC89xx series, which is produced by STC MCU Limited, is a 8-bit single-chip microcontroller with a fully compatible instruction set with industrial-standard 80C51 series microcontroller. There is 64K bytes flash memory embeded for appliaction program, which is shared with In-System-Programming code.In-SystemProgramming (ISP) and In-Application-Programming (IAP) support the users to upgrade the program and data in system. ISP allows the user to download new code without removing the microcontroller from the actual end product;IAP means that the device can write non-valatile data in Flash memory while the application program is running. There are 1280 bytes or 512 bytes on-chip RAM embedded that provides requirement from wide field application. The user can configure the device to run in 12 clocks per machine cycle, and to get the same performance just as he uses another standard 80C51 device that is provided by other vendor, or 6 clocks per machine cycle to achieve twice performance. The STC89xx series retain all features of the standard 80C51. In addition, the STC89xx series have a extra I/O port (P4 ), Timer 2, a 8

STC 8051s vs Other 8051s

STC 8051s, as stated, offers additional hardware peripherals when compared to standard 8051s. There are some STC microcontrollers like STC89C52RC that are same as the standard ones while some others like STC8A8K64S4A12 are more robust with many advanced features. Some key differences between standard 8051s and STC micros are discussed below:

Packages / Sizes

STC offers microcontrollers in various DIP and SMD IC packages. Thus, instead of using a 40-pin DIP package microcontroller to solve a problem that can be solved with an 8-pin SMD low cost microcontroller, we can avoid using a big microcontroller and thereby save valuable PCB space. Most STC 8051s are, by the way, 100% pin-compatible with other 8051s. This feature makes STC micros easy and viable replacements for devices that use standard 8051s.

Speed / Operating Frequency

STC microcontrollers are relatively faster than common 8051s as they can operate at higher clock frequencies. For example, AT89S52 has a maximum operating frequency of 33MHz while STC89C52RC can be clocked with an 80MHz source.

Additional Hardware Peripherals

Some STC microcontrollers have in-built ADC, EEPROM, watchdog timer, external interrupt pins and other peripherals. Some are even equipped with higher storage capacities. These are not available in typical 8051s.

All STC chips are 8051 core derivatives, they cannot be programmed using Arduino IDE. You can compile C based programs for the device with SDCC (public domain) and download with a serial device, these days that means a USB to serial converter plus a switch and some diodes which is well documented in the STC literature. Yes, you could use an Arduino for its USB to serial converter but that’s more expensive and harder to use than say a FT232 or CH340 breakout board.


All STC chips have a pre-installed, non-erasable bootloader and STC publishes their own downloader software STC-ISP, it’s free but it’s a Windows only program. There is also a public domain program called STCGAL which allows you to download programs using Linux or OSX.

Operating Voltage

Most 8051 micros need 4.0 �C 5.5V DC supply voltage. Some can operate with 3.3V supplies too. Same goes for STC micros. However, there are some STC micros that are designed to operate at yet lower voltage levels. STC offers low power MCUs that operate between 2.0 �C 3.6V and general-purpose micros that can operate between 3.6 �C 5.5V. The operating voltage ranges and low power consumption figures of STC micros make them well-suited for battery and solar-powered devices.

Programming Interface

Most 8051s require a parallel port programmer while some require serial port programmer or separate dedicated programmer hardware. STC micros on the other hand can be programmer with a serial port programmer and so there is no need to buy a dedicated programmer. A simple USB-TTL serial converter can be used to load codes into STC micros.

Other Minor Differences

Other areas of differences include added/reduced functionalities/features. In some STC micros, there additional options for GPIOs, timers, etc while in some other devices these extras are not observed. For example, in STC89C52RC, there is 13-bit timer mode for timers 0 and 1 but this feature is absent in STC15L204EA. Likewise in STC15L204EA, there are many ways for setting up GPIOs which are not present in STC89C52RC.

Enhanced 80C51 Central Processing Unit ,6T or 12T per machine cycle Operation voltage range: 5.5V~3.3V (STC89C series) or 2.0V~ 3.6V (STC89LE series) Operation frequency range: 0- 48MHz@12T, or 0-24MHz@6T On-chip 4/8/13/16/20/32/64K FLASH program memory with flexible ISP/IAP capability On-chip 1280 byte / 512 byte RAM Be capable of addressing up to 64K byte of external RAM Be capable of addressing up to 64K bytes external memory Dual Data Pointer (DPTR) to speed up data movement Three 16-bit timer/counter, Timer 2 is an up/down counter with programmable clcok output on P1.0 8 vector-address, 4 level priority interrupt capability One enhanced UART with hardware address-recognition, frame-error detection function, and with self baud- rate generator. One 15 bits Watch-Dog-Timer with 8-bit pre-scaler (one-time-enabled) integrate MAX810 �� specialized reset circuit Three power management modes: idle mode and power-down mode Low EMI: inhibit ALE emission Power down mode can be woken-up by INT0/P3.2 pin, INT1/P3.3 pin, T0/P3.4, T1/P3.5, RXD/P3.0 pin, INT2/P4.3, INT3/P4.2 Maximum 39 programmable I/O ports are available Four 8-bit bi-directonal ports; extra four-bit additional P4 are available for PLCC-44 and LQFP-44 Operating temperature: -40 ~ +85o C (industrial) / 0~75o C

STC12C5620AD is a single-chip microcontroller based on a high performance 1T architecture 8051 CPU, which is produced by STC MCU Limited. With the enhanced kernel, STC12C5620AD executes instructions in 1~6 clock cycles (about 8~12 times the rate of a standard 8051 device), and has a fully compatible instruction set with industrial-standard 8051 series microcontroller. In-System-Programming (ISP) and In-Application-Programming (IAP) support the users to upgrade the program and data in system. ISP allows the user to download new code without removing the microcontroller from the actual end product; IAP means that the device can write nonvalatile data in Flash memory while the application program is running. The STC12C5620AD retains all features of the standard 80C51. In addition, the STC12C5620AD has a 9-sources, 4-priority-level interrupt structure, 10-bit ADC(100 thousands times per second), on-chip crystal oscillator, MAX810 special reset circuit, 4-channel PCA and PWM, SPI, a one-time enabled Watchdog Timer and so on.

STC12C5A60S2 is a single-chip microcontroller based on a high performance 1T architecture 80C51 CPU, which is produced by STC MCU Limited. With the enhanced kernel, STC12C5A60S2 executes instructions in 1~6 clock cycles (about 6~7 times the rate of a standard 8051 device), and has a fully compatible instruction set with industrial-standard 80C51 series microcontroller. In-System-Programming (ISP) and In-ApplicationProgramming (IAP) support the users to upgrade the program and data in system. ISP allows the user to download new code without removing the microcontroller from the actual end product; IAP means that the device can write non-valatile data in Flash memory while the application program is running. The STC12C5A60S2 retains all features of the standard 80C51. In addition, the STC12C5A60S2 has two extra I/O ports (P4 and P5), a 10-sources, 4-priority-level interrupt structure, 10-bit ADC, two UARTs, on-chip crystal oscillator, a 2-channel PCA and PWM, SPI, a one-time enabled Watchdog Timer.